Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Return

Incomplete & Cropped
Lately I've focused incorporating flowers and metals into new projects.  I've struggled with flower placement as either sprays or decorative elements from the beginning.  Inexperience with metals came down to inventory resources.  In this latest layout I've had opportunity to work with both.  The flower spray in the lower left corner still seems imbalanced somehow.  Secondly, this flower arrangement is dead flat.  Since the layout is not intended for a book where depth is an issue, it feels instinctively wrong not creating opportunity for shadowing.  Perhaps not. Overall, not a bad attempt for my first attempt.

This year's vacation is a thoroughly documented historical event, still unscrapped. Time to get serious about pulling it all together and for all that I still haven't decided which paper collection to use.  I originally bought Farm House Fair Skies collection for this purpose, but fell in love with - and purchased - Prima's Craftsman; either will work fabulously for the project. Choosing between the two collections might be the most difficult decision of the entire project. 

There's been two substantial hauls in under a week. I'm too ashamed to admit how much money changed hands; but using a spender's rationale, it can be said I saved more than paid.  The new inventory overflows with all types of goodies, covering everything from alphas to zippers.  The multiple quests involved purchasing items I've wanted to experiment with and incorporate into creations, but haven't, being unwilling to spend full price for something that may, or may not benefit future creations.

That's all for now!

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