Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Next Steps Organization: Stickers

I demonstrated the new sticker organizational system on another blog, late 2011.  The post ended with a promise to attach labels to the file dividers I'd created out of cereal boxes.  I've began this final process in earnest.

From the whole box comes a hefty divider and tabs...

To the raw tab and decorative paper scraps:

To the tab mounted on the divider, constructed using eyelets:

The system doesn't look half as bad as I thought it might!  The best part of all is knowing each element used in the project are parts recycled from other sources... it is virtually free!

It took no time at all to cut down enough boxes to file stickers by category, and I now have extra space dividers.  Because I didn't notice in time that the inside flap made a right pretty folder top, I must continue collecting cereal boxes in order to produce enough tabs for each divider.

The last issue with the cereal boxes involves a lack of knowledge:  is the cardboard collected equal, or superior, to chipboard?  If so, there's no end to the uses I'll find with this material.  It may be that all I need for a free and endless supply of raw material for sturdy Cricut cutouts is the deep cut blade assembly housing.


Stickers. Got 'em. Not, mind you, as much as many dedicated scrapbookers who've been at this for years, but I've built up quite a collection.

It started simply enough. I converted an underused plastic file sorter box (12x12) into a sticker box. I could even file the stickers under a general heading. Several 50% off sticker sales later and I adapted yet another plastic sorter previously used for coupons. All was still very manageable, and this I believed until one day I looked in the closet and discovered there were four different filing systems for stickers and I didn't even know what the inventory was anymore. This indicated a looming crisis.

For all that I am, or am not, one personal characteristic I cannot abide is disorganization. My mind simply shuts down until I can get a situation under control. (This applies only to me, what works for others are for them to decide.) Another characteristic is that I'm thrifty… I never pay full price for anything. And if it can be made instead of bought, this works even better.

It took a couple of days to think this problem out, but I came up with a very workable solution. There are still drawers available from the steal of a purchase a few weeks ago concerning multi-drawer rolling bins. At first I thought to use manila file folders, but foresaw a problem with bulkiness. Maybe cut them in half? Ack, a waste of good material. Then I thought of all the cereal boxes we go through; each box would provide two dividers. A solution to the problem without spending an extra penny, not to mention a great way to recycle goods. This is taking some time to build enough dividers to neatly categorize each sticker by type, but I've already emptied three of the boxes and the last container is quickly emptying.

The next move is to create tabs to label each division. Sub-folders may come in handy at some point.

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