Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Persistence pays, but oh boy at what a cost!! 

I've decided mini-albums fit our lifestyle better than the 12x12 inch layouts.  Everything has a place and purpose, so I'll never totally abandon the larger version; perhaps the "best of the very best" annual album, or something along those lines.  From now on, most of my creative energy will go into the mini's.

With that thought in mind, I've come to the solid conviction made-from-scratch mini's are probably best left to professionals. I hate, (scorn, despise, revolt, etc) putting out inferior products.  There are allowances for skills not yet mastered, but not by much.  There has to be an exponential learning curve to scrapbooking skills, but more rational people would try to master one before going on to the next.  Not I, heavens no!  I want to master it all in one horse pill sized, gagging swallow.  

If there's a mistake to be made, almost corrected, and the same mistake made again, I'll do it every time; hands down.  Subsequently, a weekend project for most will take the weekend and the following week - and that's if I'm lucky.  It can be so very discouraging.  Fortunately, persistence runs in my DNA or this hobby would have been abandoned months ago.

At present I'm learning everything possible about book binding.  There are as many techniques as skilled crafters out there, but a couple of methods keep popping up as the most reasonable and flexible.  Maybe, if I can calm my butt down, I'll get reasonable skilled at this.  But not today.  Oh, no, not when this skill was critical to the project.  In common fashion, I'll have to put the project aside for a few days and practice this new skill until proficient.  That's why the weekend project takes ten or more days to complete.  Every project taken on has a whole new area of discovery, and learning.

On a more positive note, I've mastered a few skills; which makes a significant advancement for timely project completion.  (Down from three weeks to ten days.)

I've discussed adhesives before.  It comes as a surprise to learn there's more to learn.  When using the highest quality adhesives, there are tricks to make a tighter bond.  Burnishing goes a very long with with tape adhesives, and the brayer does a great job with wet glues.  The demands on adhesives are taken to new heights with all the moving and swing parts of the mini.  This was yet another hard learned lesson.

It's no secret I'm totally smitten with Graphic 45 papers.  I kept running into BoBunny projects and couldn't resist picking up a pack at one of my last hauls.  The colours are very soothing and even the brighter packs have a subtle tinting.  I simply can't wait to tear into this first package!  Someone special on my list will receive a very, very nice Christmas present this year.

It's possible I forget to post the adapted shoe organizer photo.

Most stamps & some punches

Just for kicks I decided to begin hanging some of my favourite embellishments on the 6x2 cork board running along the desks back panel.  I've only just started, but it's way too cute not to share.


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